Living Water MicroFinance Inc.


    A Network Marketing program tracks all the sale from you own Pin Number. 

    All the easy placements of jobs will take place early in our growth, which is now.

    There is tons of room at the top.



    • 700 Personalized Photo Cartoons 
    • 400 God's Loveletters 
    • 1,700 FIRST NAMES with MEANING as a "One of a Kind" gift item.

    These Personalized Gifts are NOT for sale. They are REWARDS given to you for your DONATIONS to LIVING WATER MICROFINANCE Inc., a non-profit company, that support African women farmer and their family for seed and fertilizer.

    Our tree nurseries are supported by Carbon Tax Funds because each orchard tree has a net present value of $2.50 for its life time of 25 to 30 years. As you are aware, one of the only solutions to capturing emissions from the atmosphere is with MORE TREES.

    One's DONATION is paid back at the end of the harvest. This DONATION works nine times because 92% pay their loans. This is the major fund raiser to support the mission of Living Water MicroFinance Inc. You can work toward becoming an employable Associate Partner with great profit-sharing.

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