About Us


Sunnyup.net is a major fund raisers to support the mission of

Living Water MicroFinance Inc.

Living Water MicroFinance Inc. has a real purpose to help to deal with the fate of our most precious resource: water and energy. We have real authentic solutions and innovative patents in order to solve water and energy and carbon emission problems:


We do this by providing micro loans at a low interest (not including inflation) to a group of five women farmers, who have access to land to plant or grow crops of their choice and help them to access market.  We also teach them the concept of commercial credit.

Additionally, our field officers, often religious leaders,  provide specialized workshops, where local women receive information about family nutrition and methods  of income generation. This package of tools offers renewed hope for healthier and more sustainable local economies in an area of the world which continues to face severe challenges.




HUG (Helical Unique Generation) is a new good, which has never been seen before; it substantially deviates from any other good or service produced before. Over the past decades, no major breakthroughs have occurred in the basic machinery of utilities.

We have developed  the proprietary HUG, based on the physics of the vortex, which will revolutionize hydroelectric energy.  This new damless development of a submerged helical pathway is capable of extracting high energy from fast rapids or small waterfalls at low cost in remote areas.

This technology can be applied to the Congo River, which falls 300 m in its last 350 km dash to the ocean and drops 96 m at the Inga Falls. The HUG can help solve the much discussed $40 billion Grand Inga Dam problem.



There is a strong case that can be made that Canada or the United States could be on the forefront of in dealing with the absorption of carbon dioxide  emissions. When we lead from the front the rest of the world will take notice. 

The action Canada or the United States takes must be the lowest possible cost. There can be no other low cost solution than supporting and monitoring TREE NURSERY in Africa. We are talking about an $100,000 bare bones cost.


Each tree seedling has a Net Present Value based on the amount of carbon dioxide emission that it absorbs: at the rate of $15/ton of C02 emissions, the NPV would be a range of $0.49/fruit tree over 25 years to $2.49/nut tree for 50 years. If we add the cost of monitoring, reporting and auditing over the life of a tree, we must add a further $1.00. The monitoring is relatively easy since all the 300 newly planted fruit trees with a NPV of $450 on an acre and half farms will be maintained by African women and their families.


